Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 112: Revise for Precise Word Choice (WS 1.6)

Objective: ASWBAT create compositions with a controlling impression. ASWBAT revise writing for precise word choice.

Hard work pays off. English is hard work. You can do it! I will not give up on you.

  • Remember that it's your job to ask questions if you don't understand something.
  • Skills Assessment #9 is Friday, March 9, 2012.
  • Vocabulary Competition for Quarter 3 is in effect! Don't fall behind!
  • You will receive scores for the quiz you took on Friday tomorrow.

1. Complete the Do Now.

2. Track Mr. Herrera as he presents Using Precise Word Choice. Use the graphic organizer to take notes. Follow along as he models how to find the controlling impression in your reading and how to create a controlling impression.

3. Use page 16-17 in The Pact to write a one-paragraph response that highlights the controlling impression of this page. Then revise for precise word choice. Take turns sharing the controlling impression with your teammates.

4. Choose one more perspective given by the author in chapter 2 of The Pact and write a one-paragraph response with a controlling impression. Then revise for precise word choice.

5. Summarize your understanding of today's key concepts. Complete today's Daily Assessment. Then submit your classwork here.

Options for Academic Free Time:
1. Check out the class website for things to do if you are finished early!

  1. Continue reading The Pact. Read chapter 4 and complete an AR Book Response.