Friday, April 27, 2012

2 Days Until the Math CST!

Objective: ASWBAT understand how and when to use the APE and DR. Q. strategies for critically analyzing text.

Hard work pays off. English is hard work. You can do it! I will not give up on you.

  • Remember that it's your job to ask questions if you don't understand something.

1. Review the presentation APE and DR. Q. Using the presentation, make any additions or corrections to your homework assignment.

2. Track Mr. Herrera as he models how and when to use each strategy.

3. Try using the strategies on your own to answer the questions for "Tragedy in the Jungle". This will be collected by the end of class.

Early Finishers:

A. If you haven't already, take a look at ELA CST Practice Test Corrections Part I. Take out your practice test and copy all of the corrections Mr. Herrera made on his test. You must copy everything Mr. Herrera has written. If after reading each strategy, you still don't understand what Mr. Herrera did to answer each question, please do not hesitate to ask!

B. Take your practice test and find a partner who is also finished. Have a discussion with them to reflect on your performance. For each question you got wrong, tell them:
  • Why you got it wrong
  • What strategy you can use next time to do better

Options for Academic Free Time:
1. Check out the class website for things to do if you are finished early!

  1. Finish anything you do not finish in class.
  2. ELA CST Reteach Day 2 Homework.