Objective: ASWBAT complete their mini-projects are prepare to present them to the class.
Hard work pays off. English is hard work. You can do it! I will not give up on you.
- Remember that it's your job to ask questions if you don't understand something.
1. Only 60 students have taken the ELA CST Reflection Day 2 survey. If you haven't already, please take this survey now!
2. Go to Time For Kids and choose an article from the News Section.
3. Carefully read the article and search for:
- The main idea
- Supporting evidence
- Apposition, subordination, and coordination
- Parallelism, semicolons, and colons
4. Now use the Presentation Template to create your own presentation showing your skills. Grade your work according to the Google Presentation Criteria for Success.
5. At the bottom of every slide in your presentation, there is a space to write notes. This is where you should write a paragraph detailing what you will say to the class for each slide. You will be graded on the Oral Presentation Criteria for Success, so I suggest your carefully read it and begin practicing how you will present!
5. At the bottom of every slide in your presentation, there is a space to write notes. This is where you should write a paragraph detailing what you will say to the class for each slide. You will be graded on the Oral Presentation Criteria for Success, so I suggest your carefully read it and begin practicing how you will present!
Options for Academic Free Time:
1. Check out the class website for things to do if you are finished early!
- Personal Reading (20 minutes)
- AR Book Response
- Check out the list of assignments DUE THIS FRIDAY