Hard work pays off. English is hard work. You can do it!
- Remember that it's your job to ask questions if you don't understand something.
- Skills Assessment #7 is Friday, February 03, 2012.
1. Check your Daily Assessment to ensure you have met the criteria. Then give yourself a M = Met, E = Exceeded, or NY = Not Yet. Turn it in to the bin for your class.
2. Complete the following housekeeping items in order:
- Update your table of contents in your Brain.
- Paste any missing pages into your Brain. Then get Mr. Herrera's signature.
- View Goals and Points for Accelerated Reader and update your Panda Tracker.
- Update your Classroom Tracker using your SA #6 Parent Letter. Then place the Parent Letter inside your portfolio.
- Check to make sure ALL tests, quizzes, Socratic Seminars, and CFQ's are inside your portfolio.
- Find at least one example of your best work in January and give it to Mr. Herrera to put on the Student Work Wall. Examples of acceptable work include:
- Skills Assessment Parent Letters (Proficient or Advanced)
- CFQ's (Proficient or Advanced)
- Socratic Seminar Peer Graded Sheets (Proficient or Advanced)
- Exemplary Reading Logs (completed with few or no mistakes)
4. State of the Union Address: Click on this link to find the speech. Read paragraphs 1-7 carefully. Then scroll down to the end of the speech and read the last 4 paragraphs carefully. Do not count the "Thank You" at the end as one paragraph. Then answer the following questions on page 110 of your Brain:
- Does the speech have unity?
- Does the speech have coherence?
- Does the speech have logic?
- Does the speech exhibit internal consistency? Why or why not?
- Use context clues to determine the meaning of the following words:
- momentum
- optimism
- restore
Options for Academic Free Time:
1. Check out the class website for things to do if you are finished early!
- Write your first draft of paragraphs 1-4.
- Prepare for Brain Check.