Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 80: Gossip and Rumors (Context Clues)

Objective: ASWBAT show the ability to use verify word meanings by definition, restatement, example, or contrast.

Hard work pays off. English is hard work. You can do it!

  • Remember that it's your job to ask questions if you don't understand something.
  • Skills Assessment #6 is next Friday, January 20, 2012.

1. Track Mr. Herrera as he presents and models Context Clues.

2. Read about Gossip and Rumors and what the words mean. Answer the questions in the margins with your teammates.

3. Read about Gossip and Rumors and why people do it. Answer the questions in the margins independently.

4. Give one, Get one: Fold your paper into 4 squares. On one square, write down one strategy to figure out the meaning of an unknown word. Explain how to use this strategy in detail. Then, find 3 other teammates to give you 3 more strategies. YOU will be writing as they explain in detail. Get their signature on the square they contributed to.

Options for Academic Free Time:
1. Check out the class website for things to do if you are finished early!

  1. Personal Reading (30 minutes)
  2. Reading Log (1 entry)