Hard work pays off. English is hard work. You can do it! I believe in each and every one of you. You're awesome.
- Remember that it's your job to ask questions if you don't understand something.
- Skills Assessment #11 / Common Assessment 3 is Thursday and Friday, April 19 and 20, 2012.
- Vocabulary Competition for Quarter 3 is in effect! Don't fall behind! Competition ends Thursday, April 19, 2012.
- The last day to submit any AR Quizzes toward your AR Goal is Friday, April 20, 2012.
1. Review Characteristics of Poetry, then complete the Do Now.
2. Track Mr. Herrera as he presents Collaborative Group Debate.
3. Work with your teammates to complete the Collaborative Group Debate.
4. Engage in a class debate regarding Act I, Scene I.
Options for Academic Free Time:
- Check out the class website for things to do if you are finished early!
- Complete Critical Thinking Questions: A Raisin in the Sun: Part III.