Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 73: ELA Nonfiction Quiz #1

Objective: ASWBAT score proficient of advanced on the ELA Nonfiction Quiz #1.

Hard work pays off. English is hard work. You can do it!

  • Remember that it's your job to ask questions if you don't understand something.
  • Skills Assessment #4 is next Thursday, December 15, 2011 and it will be your opportunity to continue to master or make up the following standards: RW 1.2RC 2.2RC 2.3RC 2.4, and RL 3.2. If the standard you have not mastered is not on this list, talk to Mr. Herrera about how to make it up outside of regular class time.
  • Today is our 8th Grade End of Quarter #1 field trip.

1. Track Mr. Herrera as he shows you how to quickly review for the ELA Nonfiction Quiz #1.

2. Complete the ELA Nonfiction Quiz #1.

3. Track Mr. Herrera as he shows you how to grade the Word Bank Vocabulary Story, ELA Content Vocabulary, and Nonfiction Quiz #1.

4. If you finish, go to the Early Finishers page to choose how to spend your academic free time.

Options for Academic Free Time:
1. Check out the class website for things to do if you are finished early!

  1. Personal reading for 30 minutes -- Be sure to update your reading log.