Hard work pays off. English is hard work. You can do it!
- Remember that it's your job to ask questions if you don't understand something.
- Skills Assessment #4 is next Thursday, December 15, 2011 and it will be your opportunity to continue to master or make up the following standards: RW 1.2, RC 2.2, RC 2.3, RC 2.4, and RL 3.2. If the standard you have not mastered is not on this list, talk to Mr. Herrera about how to make it up outside of regular class time.
- Today is our 8th Grade End of Quarter #1 field trip.
1. Track Mr. Herrera as he shows you how to quickly review for the ELA Nonfiction Quiz #1.
2. Complete the ELA Nonfiction Quiz #1.
3. Track Mr. Herrera as he shows you how to grade the Word Bank Vocabulary Story, ELA Content Vocabulary, and Nonfiction Quiz #1.
4. If you finish, go to the Early Finishers page to choose how to spend your academic free time.
Options for Academic Free Time:
1. Check out the class website for things to do if you are finished early!
- Personal reading for 30 minutes -- Be sure to update your reading log.